June Availability
Our hours are 9AM-5PM, Monday-Saturday. This month we’ll be closed for deliveries on June 2 & 3 and 21, 22 and 23. Your stork can visit during these dates we just won’t be available for takeoffs or landings! Thanks for understanding! Babies are a big deal and we love helping you celebrate! #storkrental #birthsignannouncement #babywelcomesign #storkyardrentals #lawnsignrental #babyannouncementgifts #babygirl #babyboy #babygiftideas #WelcomeHome #summerbaby #southernmaryland #somd #stmarys #calvertcountymd #leonardtown #lexingtonpark #princefrederick
St. Mary’s Storks offers the only stork sign birth announcements in St. Mary’s County and lower Calvert County.
Call 301-880-6189 to place your order