Order Online!

Wanna order a stork without calling? No problem! Send an email or text! After I’ve gathered all the fun information about the recipient family, I can email you an invoice or you can pay on Venmo! If baby hasn’t arrived yet, that’s okay too! You can reserve your stork in advance to ensure a stork is available for the new family. 💛💙🧡 What’s included? A seven day stork rental includes free delivery for all of St. Mary’s County and lower Calvert County, set up and breakdown of the stork sign. After the rental, I’ll package up any customized signs and leave them by the front door. The seven day birth announcement sign is $100 + tax.
The customized signs are keepsakes to remember the special day the new little one came home. 💛💙🧡
💌 jess@stmarysstorks.com
☎️ 301-880-6189
#birth #babyshower #stork #storksigns #birthannouncement #newbornannouncement #birthannouncementsign #storkyardsign #storklawnsign #stmarysstorks #southernmaryland #somd #newbaby #newbabygift #lexingtonpark #leonardtown #leonardtownduck #stmarysfirstbird #greatmills #solomonsisland #lusby #princefrederick #broomesisland

St. Mary’s Storks offers the only stork sign birth announcements in St. Mary’s County and lower Calvert County.
Call 301-880-6189 to place your order